Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Feta in India

Feta is a cheese that is one of the most versatile food items that can be paired and used with salads and exotic food items.

Most feta in the world was made out of sheep or goat milk but over the years this source of milk supply has dried up in favour of high yield cow milk generated by dairys.

Feta is a cheese with a complex flavor and taste and once you develop a taste for it, it is a sweet addiction for ever. In today's world it is recommended highly for aesthetic and healthy life style. Couple this with green salads and feta cheese is the most aspirational model for light and tasty food with immense health benefits.

India has started a little late on cheese, most of the milk produced is consumed directly and the balance goes in to making curd and sweets and other by products like butter and ghee.

This blog will show case the progress of Feta cheese with particular reference to India and will bring to you interesting vignettes of this fabled cheese.